Wednesday 26 December 2012

Pastor in Sex Scandal

A pastor with Christ Ministry International church in Port Harcourt is presently on trial before Senior Magistrate U.V. Erekosima, of court II, in the Port Harcourt Magisterial District, over the rape of an underage girl.
The accused person, Pastor Arthur Jonason was said to on September 18, 2011, in the church premises along Rumuodaolu, had un lawful carnal knowledge of the 13 year old victim (name withheld), without her consent.
We gathered that after the victim last her mother, she and other of the siblings were allegedly kept in care of the pastor as their close family friend but hardly did they knew that he would allegedly rape their daughter and force her not to speak.
The father of the victim also received the beating of his life when he allegedly tried to confront the accused, he was said to have been hit with a microphone Iron Stand on his head and right hand, which was said to had caused him harm.
The 39 year old accused Pastor is facing a four count charge in two separate suits.
The presiding magistrate, Mrs. U.V. Erekosima, referred the case file to Director of Public Prosecution for legal advice.
She added that the accused be remanded in prison custody pending the adjournment date of September 3, 2012.

Nigerian pastor of Europe’s biggest church, in N15 billion scandal

Written by Peter Imade-Babs, New York, Oladimeji Lawa

THREE years after some members of his church  reported him to authorities for an alleged involvement in a failed “wonder bank”, Ukraine-based Nigerian cleric, Sunday Adelaja is still locked in a battle of wits with the Police in his host country.

The members of his church who subscribed to the alleged Wonder Bank scheme lost about N15 billion ($100 million).

Adelaja has been summoned by the Ukrainian Police for another round of questioning on Tuesday, Empowered Newswire reported yesterday.

 Some members of the church, “The Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations, Kiev,” have been in detention since the last two years over the fraud allegation, also called a Ponzi scheme by which depositors are paid huge interests upfront while the bank holds onto the principal for business.

Adelaja pastors Ukraine’s biggest church and one of Europe’s largest.

He told Empowered Newswire that the fresh Police invitation may be a prelude to an arrest and detention and another flank of racial discrimination and religious victimization in the former Soviet country.

He has been having a see-saw battle with Ukrainian Police authorities since 2009.

When the story first broke in 2009, a news medium, reported that the Ukrainian Interior Ministry accused Adelaja of defrauding citizens of money, quoting the ministry’s Department for Media Liaison and International Activity.

The charges were brought under Part 4, Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (the embezzlement of funds in very large amounts via fraud),” it quoted the ministry as saying.

Several members of the church were reported to have gone to the Ukrainian authorities to complain that they were unable to recover the money they invested, which left many of them bankrupt.

Police later arrested one of King’s Capital leaders, Aleksandr Bandurchenko, on suspicion of fraud.

Speculation about Adelaja’s involvement with King’s Capital grew after reports surfaced that he was part of a bank in Nigeria known as GS Microfinance Bank Limited.

Adelaja, however, said those accusations are unfounded. He said he had never been involved with King’s Capital but denied that it is a Ponzi scheme, which uses later investments to pay dividends to earlier investors.

He said that King’s Capital was a legitimate business that failed under the pressure of the global financial crisis. He said because the company poured most of the investment capital into real estate, which decreased in value, it had been unable to pay investors.

“When the economic crisis came, all the real estate is no more selling. The land is enough to pay back the money owed. ... The problem is ... everything is stopped in the country—nothing is selling now in Ukraine,’’ he said.

Adelaja said Interior Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko accused the church of involvement because he wants to undermine the evangelical movement in Ukraine. With several thousand members across the nation, God’s Embassy is one of the most influential congregations in Ukraine.

“(Lutsenko) is in a very bad situation,” Adelaja said. “He’s got to prove now that (King’s Capital) is a pyramid scheme, but he cannot.”

Adelaja said he never encouraged his church members to invest in the company and cautioned them to invest in businesses that offer insurance. “Of course ... if you invest with insurance you get less percentage,” he said. “What happened was many people said they didn’t need insurance because the (King’s Capital leaders) were Christians.”

He was reported to have acknowledged being affiliated with GS Microfinance, but said he invested his name and influence in the bank, not millions of dollars. He was quoted to have said that GS Microfinance was formed to give small loans to poor Nigerians as a way of lifting them out of poverty.

“It’s not about what you can get, but the vision of the programme is to elevate and get as many people out of poverty as possible,” Adelaja was quoted as saying. “That is one of my lifetime passions ... because I grew up in poverty.”

Although Adelaja has repeatedly denied any involvement in King’s Capital, which has not officially been deemed a fraudulent business, Pentecostal and charismatic leaders across Ukraine are calling on him to repent, saying they heard him encourage church members to invest in the company on several occasions.

“He was not a president of this company, but he was the No. 1 spiritual leader, and he told them what they have to do,” said Bishop M. S.Panochko, leader of the All-Ukrainian Union of Pentecostal Churches of Evangelical Faith, which comprises 1,500 churches across the nation.

“He can do everything to tell them that he is not involved, but all the leaders have a lot of facts, and we have a lot of video of when he was pushing people, and he encouraged people to invest in this business.”

Panochko was one of 10 leaders who met with Adelaja in 2009 to confront him about his alleged support of King’s Capital and the negative impact some of his actions have had on the evangelical church in Ukraine.

The Pentecostal bishops, who together represent more than 2,500 congregations, listed seven items of concern and said Adelaja had a pattern of making exaggerated statements. They pointed particularly to his alleged claim that he led the 2004 Orange Revolution and his reports that God’s Embassy has 100,000 members across the nation.

The bishops say those and other statements are untrue.

After the meeting, Adelaja issued a statement saying he did not organize the Orange Revolution, though his congregation participated in the demonstrations. He also asked forgiveness for the negative impact the King’s Capital scandal has had on Ukrainian churches, but he added that he did not personally have any involvement in the company.

Despite the statement, Panochko said the bishops would continue waiting for Adelaja to apologize for allegedly endorsing King’s Capital. If he does not repent, Panochko said the bishops would issue a statement to Christians in Ukraine and abroad, and to the Ukrainian government, denouncing Adelaja and claiming no affiliation with him.

Moscow-based pastor Rick Renner, founder of the Good News Association of Churches and Ministries for Russia, Latvia and Ukraine, said Adelaja’s claims are hurting Christians in the former Soviet Union.

If convicted, Adelaja may spend up to 12 years in imprisonment, according to Part 4, Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Confirming the invitation by Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry, Adelaja told Empowered Newswire that the case for which he is being summoned is about the collapse of King’s Capital.

The Nigerian born cleric was described last year by the New York Times as one of Ukraine’s “best known public figures”

Another Nigerian young man was recently charged with attempted murder after he reportedly fought to defend himself from the assault of 4 Ukrainian attackers.

  Dismissing the allegation as mere political charges that bears no resemblance to fact, Adelaja said “in Ukraine you don’t have to commit a crime before you are accused, you only have to be targetted.”

 A well-known Ukrainian lawyer, Andrey Fedur, argues that as far as the law is concerned Adelaja “cannot be punished, for he does not have anything to do with this case. The charges are absolutely made up and have no foundation.”

According to a New York Times report last year, “Adelaja has built a vast religious organization under the banner of his church, Embassy of God. He has become one of Ukraine’s best known public figures,” making him by far a significant leader in the country whose favour politicians have curried in the past causing them to win victories to high public positions.

While Adelaja’s political battle has been on since 2009, the invitation to the state police on Tuesday is seen as a heightening of the case, after some members of the church have been detained for over two years.

Besides the Pastor himself is under constant police surveillance and not allowed to travel out of the country.

A media commentator and Washington DC publisher, Dr. Segun Olanipekun writing on the summoning said alongside Adelaja, five people have been accused in the church and those have been arrested by the police ahead of the new invitation.

According to Olanipekun, “the church fears that this invitation and the deliberate change of the charge to a criminal one are part of the plot to jail the innocent pastor as he is seen to be a threat to the present government.”

The King’s Capital was formed by some members of Adelaja’s church, but amidst the global economic crisis, the investment company failed and many investors lost a big chunk of money. The Ukrainian police is said to be insisting on linking Adelaja to the failure of the company and alleging criminal acts against the company. 

In previous interviews with the police, Adelaja said his questioners were always asking if he knew the church members who owned the business and he always answered in the affirmative, explaining that he was the target of the whole investigation.

 It is in the same country of Ukraine that a Nigerian student Olaolu Sunkanmi Femi has been detained since last November on charges of attempted murder after he fought to defend himself against white attackers.

Media reports said last November “eyewitness accounts say Olaolu and his friend who were hurled to the ground and racially abused was able to get up and grab hold of a piece of glass from a broken bottle to use in self-defence.”

Quoting Nigerian Embassy officials in Ukraine, reports stated that “it was while he was defending himself that police arrived at the scene and the Nigerian was subsequently arrested and charged with attempted murder of five people,” who were the original assailants.

Commenting on that case, Adelaja said, “tales like that were not uncommon in Ukraine, saying “they used to kill Africans like that in the past.”

Nigerian Embassy staff are said to be involved in the students case, while Adelaja’s travail is also drawing wider international ripples, with many petition drives online fighting the pastor’s cause. In one of such,, and entitled: “Racial and Religious Persecution Against Sunday Adelaja,” the petitioners noted that “this is a textbook case of xenophobia and discrimination on religious ground.”

That petition also noted that the heightening of the offensive against Adelaja may not be unconnected to the forthcoming elections in the country. According to the petition, the current persecution “is a systemic effort to discredit, persecute and incriminate Pastor Sunday Adelaja from his work as the spiritual order to dissuade votes in favor of the opposition.”

Adelaja, in a telephone conversation with Empowered Newswire acknowledged that there were currently political moves in place trying to negotiate with him.

He said: “They are trying to solve the problem politically, but we can’t go public as yet on the terms, they are afraid the people may back the opposition.”

Since the country’s Orange revolution that spurred it effectively out of communism, Adelaja and his church have become a very critical force in the emergent political landscape of Ukraine. In Kiev, the local Mayor and the city are known to be very friendly with him, while  the country’s Attorney-General Mykola Onischyk has been known to speak up for him, defending his rights to innocent presumption until proven guilty.

It is well known in Ukraine that in 2004, members of the church took an active part in the events of the orange revolution, which resulted in  Adelaja being declared a persona non-grata to Russia by then President Vladimir Putin, who accused the Nigerian “of being a voice and a herald of western value systems,” in the old USSR, Communist state.

Also in 2007, Victor Yushchenko, the former President of Ukraine reportedly said that Adelaja’s church in Ukraine, “is the biggest threat to its political dominance that it held over the country.”

Nigeria's Wealthiest Pastor Oyedepo Faces Citizens Outrage For Assaulting A Female Church Goer

Nigeria’s wealthiest pastor, David Oyedepo, might not have bargained for the enormous scandal that followed a Youtube video which showed the famous pastor attack a teenage girl hushed in front of him during a 2009 Shiloh service at his church headquarters in Otta, Ogun state Southwest Nigeria.
SaharaReporters also posted the Youtube video, which has now gone viral and become a source of international anger against the man known as “Papa” by members of his large church.

Oyedepo is the general overseer of the Nigerian-based Winners Chapel which is also known as “Living Faith Church”.
Pastor Oyedepo was filmed while ministering to some teenagers ushered to confess their sins to the pastor. In this particular case, the pastor lost his composure when a brave teenager from Imo state said she was not a witch, instead she said she is a "witch for Jesus". However, Pastor Oyedepo who was angered by her bold claims sent a slap across the young teenager’s left side, after physically assaulting her, he stepped closer to her and then delivered a zinger, a damning ruling that she can not make it to heaven.
The bully in Oyedepo went further walking menacingly asking other teenagers to confess their sins as church members acclaim in approval. While the show of crime was going on, more victims were brought forth by church ushers. It was pparent that a variety of teenagers laying on their knees on the marble floors of Oyedepo’s multimillion dollar church on that fateful day were generally poor teenagers recruited for church experiments.
Oyedepo’s unruly behavior which bothers on criminal assault and violence has attracted a variety of citizen responses and action on social media platforms. Today, a group began a petition signing campaign calling for the prosecution of the flamboyant pastor, also another Nigerian website, named Pastor Oyedepo to its naming and shaming part- “NVS Hall Of Shame”- a platform for mobilizing guilt against unscrupulous Nigerian public officials and powerful private individuals.
Another group contacted SaharaReporters last night stating that a strong letter of complaint is already being worked on to request the US state department to revoke Pastor Oyedepo’s visa to the US. A group in the UK also promised to find a creative way to get the Uk government to prosecute Mr. Oyedepo for child abuse and battery if he sets foot on UK soil.
Nigerian flamboyant pastors are some of the richest on the African continent; Pastor Oyedepo is considered the richest Pastor in Nigeria according to a Forbes magazine article. He owns four jets, super expensive next work of schools and various investments across the African continent.
He is highly connected and politically powerful. In May 2011 when Nigerians were confronted with the antics of the clique that hid behind the terminal illness of Nigeria’s president, Umaru Yar’adua, Pastor Oyedepo was part of a delegation corralled to visit a dying Yar’adua to provide the Nigerian people the impression that Yar'adua was “alive and recovering" although Mr. Oyedepo and his companions saw a bleak Yar’adua, he never said a word in public to reveal what he saw. Yar'adua died a few days later


Redeem Pastor, 51, in Sex scandal …sleeps with spinsters on altar, squandered church’s money
*Victim released recorded sex-tape conversation as evidence * General Overseer, Adeboye wields big stick
BY EVA LORRETA/Reporter, Madrid

TRULY as the good book preaches “judgment will begin in the house of God.”
The uncontrolled libido and adulterous deeds of a randy pastor in Redeemed Christian Church of God, (RCCG), may have brought disrepute to the good image of the church. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, General Overseer (G.O) of RCCG, is pained that this shameful act may eventually ruin the church.

This incredible act has resulted in the suspension of Pastor Rogers Abraham, ‘the man-of-God’, a senior parish Pastor of Canaan Land Parish in Madrid, Spain.
Extra marital affairs of the pastor on the altar Investigation by Nigeria Standard revealed that Abraham, the Spain-based Nigerian pastor, National Co-coordinator of RCCG in Spain who oversees all the church branches in Spain, is allegedly fond of extra marital affairs with two unnamed members of the church (spinsters), especially on the altar.
Evidence of adulterous phone conversation
Some church members who would not want their names in print told Nigeria Standard that Abraham was nailed by the telephone conversation he had with one of the two ladies he had sex with on the altar. The lady (names with held) released the recorded tape to church pastors who were sent to investigate the accusation against the Abraham.
Suspension for Pastor Abraham
At the end of the investigation set up by G.O, Abraham has been placed on double suspension, first from the Regional coordinator, Pastor Dele Olowu of Mainland Europe, comprising 54 countries and then from Adeboye. Besides adulterous acts, Abraham, 51, from Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital was found to have squandered large sums of money meant for the church in Spain.
Petitions from church members
Nigeria Standard can tell you that, after been fed up with the reckless lifestyle of Abraham, the church members in Spain petitioned Adeboye in R.C.C.G headquarters, Lagos because they had allegedly threatened to quit the church if Abraham was not removed from the pulpit. Our correspondent learnt that Assistant Pastor Onyemaeze Uchendu is the Parish Pastor of Canaan Land Parish in Madrid where the two Ladies involved in infidelity with Abraham, ‘man in the centre of the storm.’
After much hide-and-seek game, the eventual suspension of Abraham was confirmed and sealed by Pastor Adeboye at the European Congress for Christ, EUROCON, held at Den Haag, Holland between 20 and 23 April, 2011.
This shameful unbecoming of this pastor is now the subject of gossip among Nigerians in several homes, worship places and offices in Europe.

TRULY as the good book preaches “judgment will begin in the house of God.”

Monday 3 December 2012

Bishop Kukah says honouring corrupt men and women and purchase of private jets by pastors are diminishing the moral voice of the church

The acquisition of private jets by Christian leaders diminishes the moral voice of the church in the fight against corruption, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah, declared yesterday, the Nation newspaper is reporting.

Mr. Kukah, according to the paper, spoke against the backdrop of the presentation of a private jet to the National President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, by members of his church during the celebration of his 40th anniversary in the ministry penultimate Saturday.

Bishop Kukah, who was guest speaker at the annual Founder’s Day Anniversary lecture of Providence Baptist Church in Lagos, described exhibition of such opulence by church leaders as embarrassing.

The fiery cleric who spoke on ‘Church and the state in the pursuit of the common good’, said: “The stories of corrupt men and women being given recognition by their churches or mosques as gallant sons and daughters and the embarrassing stories of pastors displaying conspicuous wealth as we hear from the purchases of private jets and so on clearly diminish our moral voice.”

Mr. Kukah, who was represented by the Administrator of Holy Cross Cathedral Lagos, Rev. Monsignor Pascal Nwaezeapu, also expressed displeasure with the perceived closeness of the CAN leadership to the corridors of powers.

He said such alliance will weaken the ability of the church to speak the truth to elected public office holders.

According to him: “CAN has become more visible in relation to national prayer sessions, pilgrimages, alliances with state power and so on.

“Unless we distance ourselves, we cannot speak the truth to power. We cannot hear the wails of the poor and the weak. We should not be seen as playing the praying wing of the party in power.”

He challenged the church to speak against corruption in low and high places, saying such responsibility must never be jettisoned for any reason.

Apart from Orisejafor, other church leaders who own private jets include Founder of Living Faith Ministries, Bishop David Oyedepo; General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye; Founder of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM), Bishop Mike Okonkwo and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy Church.

Nigeria’s popular bombastic politician, Patrick Obahiagbon, added his voice to the growing debate of the morality of a budding ‘private jet’ culture amongst Nigerian clergymen.

Mr. Obahiagbon, known for his often heavy use of arcane English lexicon, and his Benin traditional dressing style posted his opinion on the debate on his Facebook page, Sunday morning.

Mr. Obahiagbon took sides with the school of thought that believe it is morally wrong for pastors to acquire private jets in a country where millions of faithfuls sleep hungry without roofs.

“I cast my vote for Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah and Pastor Tunde Bakare in their demosthenic vitriol against spiritual megalomaniacs whose modus vivendi has become increasingly byzanthine and repulsively narcissistic.We must all begin to deprecate this razzmatazz and Nestorian braggadocio in the “HOUSE OF GOD”, because when there is no difference between the values of a Pastor and a typical Nigerian Politician,then it’s truly a bolekaja ambience,” he said.

Mr. Obahiagbon, a former member of the House of Representatives from Edo State, was recently appointed as Chief of Staff to the state governor, Adams Oshiomhole.

There has been an increase in the number of clergymen owning private jets with the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Ayo Oritsejafor, recently joining the exclusive league.

Ogala Emmanuel

I cannot imagine how our religious men and women have let us down with their ways of life. Last week it was the talk about some pastors who owned properties worth billions of Naira and how some of them spend money meant for church development on their personal aggrandizement. 
This will not be the first time that we will hear or see scandalous acts by men who ought to be example for our youth but it came as shock when a monk- supposedly a more righteous religious person, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, people who say they don’t get married.

The priest; Rev Fr. Chigbata who is the Superior (like an Archbishop) of the Capuchins in Nigeria was caught naked with his lover, Madam Durest. The priest who served in Lagos as the superior in their Lagos house met the said lover in Sacred Heart Catholic church, Creek Road, Apapa where he used to say mass and serve. We hear they have been seen together several times at public places and many of the parishioners have complained to his order but nothing was done.

One of the parishioners who we spoke to said Madam Duerest talks about their un-holy relationship to anybody who cares to listen, bragging that she can make him do anything she wants as he cannot live without her. She is reported to have even boasted that she can make him punish any of the other priests as he is the superior.

When we got this picture we were reluctant to post it but after confirming from a number of parishioners of Sacred Heart we felt it was proper we let the world know. Something has to be done by the government and Nigerians to punish such an act of misleading people.

All attempt at contacting Madam Duerest and the priest failed.